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Monday, January 4, 2016

Unconditional Love

      How are you feeling today has someone reminded you of a love you dreamed of and are you match the Love you received/ My kids mean the world to me and I look forward to another day to show them this Love so they can understand what they deserve from someone else. This is the same Love we receive from God to share with our love ones and others. Can you see how unselfish this is? He gives us love to show us the love we are to share with others. Because of this Love I love having God in my life and while I praise Him daily the truth of the example he's giving to me only can be shown in the love I past to others not for my own joy but because that Love is to much for just me to have to myself. We can't understand it because it don't fit in a box; how many times have you've loved someone who didn't deserve it?  with the hope to receive that same love back? It's hard to let go because you know what you deserve; don't feel bad we've all been there. The reason you live on is a lesson for you because God has already founded that person you going to Love unconditionally, and you going to know how to return it in such a way the world going to see it in everything you do. I've been blessed to receive this Love and all that is asked of me in return is my loyalty to show it to others...
      Here I am trying to give back the Love I receive daily not because I'm going to receive anything from any one, but if these words reach someone and they continue to past it on I did what I feel everyday I'm blessed to be here for my kids who deserve the Love in my heart; giving to me by the Lord who stood up for me before I was even born. I found a partner that shares this same love and gives this love not just the hope but the faith she is going to receive it back and I believe I don't disappoint her because from something small we have grown outside of just us. That we hope to see others find what we have! What wouldn't you do to receive a strong Love like this; well this loves starts with God and then yourself and watch as it grows unto the people around you and then as it grows watch how it start to spark love unto others you don't even know is watching.
     There is a mis-education of love; you looking for a love that please your body but it should please your soul and helps you to be stronger. Where you look forward to another day to prove it how much more you can please each other. People love me and I love people who I don't even everyday but when I do it's truly a blessing to give and receive it back and that's because of the Love I've get from the Lord Jesus Christ a name I'm proud to say...

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